About this project

The No Name Youth Ambassadors(NNYA) was a newly formed organization that needed a brand. NNYA website was key because it would be how people got information about the group aside from the social media.


The problem is spreading information about the Unnamed Creek project. This project has a lot of information that can’t be shown in a simple poster. We need to solve it in order to.


  1. Users want a website that is direct. They don’t want to spend a long time on this website. Its main purpose is to be educational to the group itself and the project.

  2. How is information made digestible? What are subtle eye catchers to emphasize certain information?

Competitive Analysis

  1. https://youthambassadorskc.org/
    Website has good animations and a sticky header, important numbers are in a larger font and a different color, good amount of text(enough to educate user, but not too much so it gets skipped), lots of images
    Website is too monotones and gives a colder vibe, logo colors aren’t utilized so less branding
  2. https://denverparktrust.org/stcharlesplacepark/
    Colorful(welcoming and happy vibe), good usage of underlines, bolds, and text size, good photo to text ratio with image spreading out across the entire page, lots of pictures in general
    No sticky header so harder to get to other pages of the website, image cropping issue(some images are cut off at the bottom)
  3. https://www.worldlearning.org/program/youth-ambassadors-program/
    Website has good usage of color, good placement of image(homepage logos of programs are to the right of the text), important descriptions kept short and differentiated from the rest of the text, sticky header
    No variation in format on the main page(text left and photo right), text is a bit lengthy and small
  4. https://www.one.org/international/take-action/youthambassadors/
    Good images and videos, text is big enough so users with difficulty with vision can read, sticky header, bullet points emphasizing important knowledge, color branding
    Location of news page is at very bottom, no usage of different font size for words


UI Design


The website received lots of praise! The subtle branding throughout the entire site was admired. 

It is now being used as one of the main methods of communicating to the public about the Unnamed Creek Project! All of the ambassadors agreed the website represented the team well.

On each of the pages there were subtle uses of NNYA colors in order to get people to associate the colors and organization. The final draft of the website was slightly different from the wireframe, however, all of the changes were to better the user experience. 

Visit NNYA Website